LoL Patch 11.18: All Nerfs and Adjustments | RiftFeed
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LoL Patch 11.18: All Nerfs and Adjustments

News 01-09-2021 12:12
Project Varus
Varus got quite some hits by Riot. | © Riot Games

The 2021 World Championship is around the corner and so is Patch 11.19. Riot already has a lot of changes before then. With LoL Patch 11.18 technically first part of the Worlds Patch got released and we can clearly see, that the balance team tries to get even more variety into the pro scene.

Many buffs and nerfs are heading our way with LoL Patch 11.18. Today we take a look at all the nerfs and adjustmentsawaiting us.

More News about the LoL Worlds 2021:

LoL Patch 11.18: All Nerfs

Ten champions are currently on the nerf list for LoL Patch 11.18. These are champions that have seen a lot of pro play or are just too strong in solo queue, hence why they will be getting reeled in a little before the big competition.

  • Thresh - Base movement speed lowered to 330 and his E maximum bonus magic damage was changed from 100 - 200%AD (+1 per Soul) to 80 - 200% (+1.5 per Soul).
  • Trundle (support) - E slow changed from 32 - 60% to 30 - 46%.
  • Varus - His passive non-champ attack speed changed from flat out 20% to 10 - 20% (by level 1, 7, 13). Also, his base AD was lowered from 61 to 59.
  • Aphelios - Base AD lowered from 57 to 55.
  • Ashe - W cooldown elongated from 14 - 4 to 18 - 4.
  • Camille - Passive cooldown changed from 16/13/10 to 20/15/10.
  • Jayce - Passive duration changed from 1.25 seconds to 0.5.
  • Kalista - Ultimate knock-up duration 1.5 - 2 seconds changed to 1 - 2 seconds.
  • Lee Sin - Base AD nerfed from 70 to 68.
  • Renekton - His W stun was reduced to 1 second and the animation time was also reduced to make up for it.

LoL Patch 11.18: All Adjustments

Some champions that were originally planned for buffs now get adjustments, as pure improved numbers

  • Lillia (Jungle) - Her attack speed and attack speed ratio will be changed from .625 to .640. Her passive large monster healing will change from 18 - 94 to 34 - 101 and base health regen will go from 1.5 to 1.1.
  • Rumble - Passive attack speed changed from 50% to 20 - 80% scaling based on level. W cooldown changed to flat out 6 seconds.
  • Talon (Jungle) - Q base damage lowered from 65 - 165 to 65 - 145. His W deals 50% bonus damage against monsters.
  • Fizz - His passive damage reduction increased to 8 + 2%AP against champions basic attacks. W on-hit damage changed from 10 - 30 to 20 - 40. His ultimate also got some adjustments.
    • Guppy Damage: 150 - 350 +80%AP changed to 160 - 300 +70%AP
    • Chomper Damage: 225 - 425 +100%AP changed to 200 - 350 +85%AP
    • Gigalodon Damage: 300 - 500 +120%AP changed to 250 - 400 +100%AP
  • Qiyana - Base Attack speed changed from .625 to .688 and base HP regen lowered from 1.8 to 4.5. Q now deals 25% bonus damage to monsters and E damage has been changed from 60 -180 to 50 - 170.

LoL Patch 11.18: Release Date

The Patch is coming in one week as of writing this on September 9th. Also with this patch Pentakill will celebrate their comeback!

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