Arcane Theories: Where Does Shimmer Come From? | RiftFeed
Let's take a deep dive into Shimmer

Arcane Theories: Where Does Shimmer Come From?

Lore 28-12-2022 15:40
Rio Shimmer Arcane
Poor Rio. | © Riot Games/Netflix

You’ve all seen Arcane and since it's been over a year since it first released we're all going through the same withdrawal symptoms, eh? Well, today we’re going to be theorizing a little bit in regards to the odd purple substance you see throughout the show – Shimmer.

What is Shimmer and where does it come from? Who is responsible for this drug to make it out into the world of Runeterra? That’s what we will investigate today!

Shimmer and Singed

We know that Shimmer is created by none other than our favorite insane – or genius (?) – chemist Singed. This is made clear in the flashback scenes of Viktor’s childhood. He meets Singed in his laboratory and also meets Rio, the cute Little Legend from TFT and also the mutation Singed experiments on.

He feeds Rio these odd purple flowers and we believe that that is the key to creating Shimmer. Those pesky purple flowers are what Shimmer is made out of.

Later on, we see Rio again, not as a cute little mutation anymore, but as a broken being with multiple tubes sticking in the creature. The experiments don’t seem humane and we do think Singed would be in big trouble with Peta, but I guess Peta hasn’t made it to Zaun yet.

Whether the tubes are pumping Shimmer into Rio or out of them is unknown, all we do understand is that the poor creature had to ingest the flowers and be used as a lab rat to create the extremely addictive substance.

Shimmer in Relation to the Void

Okay, but there is another theory floating out there on Reddit (of course) and this one is insane! So sit down, take a moment before you continue to read because this is about to blow your mind. Reddit user u/Leona_DA_vinci explained that Shimmer could be the gateway to the Void.

How did they come to this conclusion? One reason could be sound cues. Whenever Shimmer is shown the music changes to the Void theme. So, this could mean that Cho’Gath could be coming in season 2 of Arcane!

Not only are audio cues important, but visuals as well – duh Arcane is a show, not an audiobook – and don’t the colors of Arcane just remind you of the Void whenever Shimmer is around? The same dark colors and purples we associate with creatures like Kog’Maw and Kassadin, right?

But we’re not doing the theory much justice, so check out the full theory on Reddit right here guys!

Do you think there is something to it? What do you guys think? Is Singed using Silco in his grand plan? We know Singed is the mastermind behind 90% of happenings in Runeterra so this could just be another ploy of his, or is he trying to bring forth the end of the world by inviting the Void into Runeterra? So many questions that will hopefully get answered soon!

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...